Category Manager 

Hi you, my name is Léa and I work as a Category Manager for France and Belgium. I joined Vehikit in September 2023.  I come from France but I moved to the Netherlands to live with my Dutch partner. Recently graduated, I was a bit scared of not finding a job in the Netherlands. Luckily, I found a position at Vehikit which gives me the opportunity to discover the Dutch working culture.

An international environment

What I love the most about Vehikit is that I can talk several languages in the same day. I get to write product pages in French for our website, I speak English for business-related matters with my colleagues and also a bit of Dutch during the lunch break. Everybody is open-minded and friendly. I immediately felt welcome in the team.

A company that believes in young talents

It’s usually difficult to find a job directly after your studies. You’re often told that you don’t have enough experience. For most positions, Vehikit is more looking for a person that would fit the team than for somebody with 10 years of experience. I didn’t know much about commercial vans before starting working as a Category Manager at Vehikit, but it didn’t matter. I have quickly learnt a lot about them and I keep discovering new things every day.

Direct contribution to the growth of the company

My job feels rewarding as I can see the results of my projects directly on the website and in the turnover. I’m really proud when I see that the products I added to our website are selling well. Of course, the success of a product is the result of good teamwork. Each department at Vehikit plays an important role in the sales of all the items and the growth of the company.